Clean Reads For Pure Hearts
"I like pure read because it has good clean relationships and no ugly words I especially like how the gospel of Our Lord and Savior is presented"
"Besides being clean books, there is a good selection of different types, and best of all is the freebie Sunday read!"
Stephanie Edberg
"My favorites are found through pureread"
"I have gotten into the habit of only going to the authors that are on pure read. I guess I was more tired of all the junk stuff then I realized. Keep up all the good work. Holiday blessings to all of you."
"Love PureRead and the books you publish."
"i love all of the books. great stories."
"Pureread has been amazing. To have clean, hand selected books sent to my email saves hrs of searching on other sites. Thank you for Christians who care!"
"I like the fact that the books I read from this site are clean and there are no unwanted surprises part way through a read."
"Always has great clean books. Love their books"
Pamela Ballinger
"I look forward each week to the Sunday Free Read. I especially enjoy the stories about the mail order brides."