The Girl From Gretna Green
About the Book
Since the untimely death of his father, thirty-year-old Sir Giles Kensington has been the head of his family. He is the eldest son of five, and though he would like nothing more than to spend his days quietly as the confirmed bachelor that he is, the antics of his siblings keep him fully occupied. On top of that, he has his ward’s constant rebellion to contend with. Lady Annabella Harcourt is beautiful, independent, and utterly impossible!
But when news of her unexpected elopement to Gretna Green reaches him, Sir Giles knows that it is his duty to retrieve Lady Annabella before it is too late. What he does not know is that an intriguing mystery awaits him up north and that his journey will set in motion a chain of events and romance utterly shocking for all involved.
For where the Kensingtons are concerned, there is never a dull moment!
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