Words Are Birds

Words Are Birds

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About the Book

They laughed when I told them I’d be a poet. I hope you laugh too when you peel back the pages.

This collection of Christian poetry prepared for pilgrim souls is a hat tip to my fellow questioners, a companion for other sojourners finding their way home.

It’s a mix of light and dark, shoutings from the shade, followed by hushed and holy moments brandished on the page. Raw, honest, questioning, and devoted – each strike of the key reveals another part of me.

Jesus first – everything else follows…

Words Are Birds is an honest, quirky, collection of Christian poems written by David Lee Martin, a guy who really is a poet and he knows it.

Author: David Lee Martin
Genre: Christian Devotional & Spiritual Growth
Publisher: PureRead
Publication Year: 2021
ASIN: B0937J268K
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Words Are Birds
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