The Little London Nightingale

The Little London Nightingale

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About the Book

Previously published as The Lost Nightingale by Weir, Jessica (author)

Abandoned by a callous father, Anna Bailey is just another child, alone on the cruel streets of London.

Anna’s young life is filled with despair. The only bright spot is her friend Lucy. The two girls are inseparable until Lucy suffers a brutal attack. Unable to live past it, Lucy plunges to her death, taking the only happiness that Anna ever knew.

Now, the man who destroyed Lucy has his eye set on Anna. With no one to help, she knows she must run and finds herself alone on the dark and dangerous streets of London.

Anna has always been told she has no talent nor hope of making a better life, but her voice is as clear and sweet as a Nightingale, piercing the darkness.

Can the little Nightingale find her happiness?

Find out in The Little London Nightingale a heartwarming Victorian Romance that is sure to melt your heart.

Author: Jess Weir
Genre: Victorian Romance
Tag: Romance
Publisher: PureRead
Publication Year: 2024
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The Little London Nightingale
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