The Dockland Darling’s Kindly Acts

The Dockland Darling’s Kindly Acts

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About the Book

The docklands are no place for young Victorian ladies. Running here to escape the cruelty of their stepmother, sisters Clare and Anna fend for themselves in whatever way they can.

Edgar’s only school has been the harsh London streets and the Dockland gangs. One thing he has learned above all else is never trust anyone. Never help anyone. Never open your heart…

Until a simple act of kindness shakes Edgar’s world and with it the stony hardness from his heart.

But a soft heart can be broken, and the journey Clare, Anna, and Edgar undertake challenges every fibre of their being, calling for forgiveness and faith beyond their reason, and a love so bright it eclipses the darkness that stalks the Gullseye docks.

If you love heartfelt historical Victorian romance, read The Dockland Darling’s Kindly Acts today.

Author: Dolly Price
Publisher: PureRead
Publication Year: 2020
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The Dockland Darling’s Kindly Acts
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