The Case of Frauds and Friendly Lizards Audiobook

The Case of Frauds and Friendly Lizards Audiobook

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About the Book

When a gecko called Ink and an abandoned bearded dragon unlock the clues to a mysterious murder you know that you’ve landed in Curly Bay!

Courtney is caught up again, this time with a scaly trail of clues to follow.

Despite a soggy challenge at the animal rescue center, and the imminent arrival of her parents for Thanksgiving celebrations, our amateur sleuth cannot escape her unquestionable gift of uncovering foul play in Curly Bay!

Join Courtney Cain as she ventures into a brand new cozy mystery, this time with some uncommon reptiles as her sidekicks!

Author: Donna Doyle
Genre: Cozy Mystery
Tag: audiobook
Narrator: Nancy Bober
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The Case of Frauds and Friendly Lizards Audiobook
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