Mail Order Bride: Taken by the Fearless Brave

Mail Order Bride: Taken by the Fearless Brave

Rather than marry a man she does not love—and angry with her father for presuming to choose her—Genevieve Harrison decides to take her fate in her hands, and follow her dreams west. Soon, she bound for California as a mail order bride, set to wed one Mr. Charles Holmes. But Genevieve’s dreams ...

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About the Book

Rather than marry a man she does not love—and angry with her father for presuming to choose her—Genevieve Harrison decides to take her fate in her hands, and follow her dreams west. Soon, she bound for California as a mail order bride, set to wed one Mr. Charles Holmes. But Genevieve’s dreams take a turn when she discovers her intended husband is a terrible, abusive man. Unwilling to marry such a man, she runs away, into the woods, where she is captured and brought back to an Indian camp, to be used for negotiations with the settlers.

Although Genevieve feels safer as an Indian prisoner than she ever did with the horrid Mr. Holmes, she is regarded with suspicion by most of the tribe. And as she spends more time with the tribe, she and the handsome warrior Liwanu begin to draw closer. In her, Liwanu senses a kindness and strength he has not seen before, while Genevieve is relieved to find an honest and brave man. But when the tribe decides to release Genevieve, she is met with a sudden realization—she does not wish to go. She is already home.

Author: Emma Morgan
Genre: Western Historical
Tag: Romance
Publisher: PureRead
Publication Year: 2020
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Mail Order Bride: Taken by the Fearless Brave
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