Emerald & the Cattle Rustler

Emerald & the Cattle Rustler

As the bravest of the five Winston sisters, Emerald is happy when her family moves to Fort Walla Walla. She also soon realizes that her heart isn’t shut up to love when a mysterious cowboy rides unexpectedly into her life. She is confused because he is definitely not someone she should be thinking...

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About the Book

As the bravest of the five Winston sisters, Emerald is happy when her family moves to Fort Walla Walla. She also soon realizes that her heart isn’t shut up to love when a mysterious cowboy rides unexpectedly into her life. She is confused because he is definitely not someone she should be thinking about, but her heart is like a filly willfully running in every direction.

Tristan Donovan meets Emerald Winston and is immediately besotted by her. But there is a lot about him that he can’t reveal to her even though he is sure that she is the woman of his dreams.

Can their worlds connect or will catastrophe be the outcome? Will Tristan continue in his shadow life despite his own wild heart being caught by the strong pioneer beauty embodied in Emerald Winston?

Read Emerald and the Cattle Rustler and take a beautiful ride with the Treasures of the West!

Author: Terri Grace
Series: Treasures of the West, Book 3
Genre: Western Historical
Tag: Romance
Publisher: PureRead
Publication Year: 2019
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