Homeward Bound follows the tumultuous relationship of Sara Miller and Zeke Breneman through every challenge...
Homeward Bound follows the tumultuous relationship of Sara Miller and Zeke Breneman through every challenge right through to an incredibly heartwarming ending. The chronicle of their journey together is written with love, and I trust that this warmth of character, and the beauty of their story, will also touch your heart with a sense of Gott’s light at work in your own life – even when things look dark.
Zeke Breneman’s heart craves the wonders of a wide world, filled with adventure. His best friend, Sara Miller, longs for nothing more than the simple Amish life she already enjoys, and the heart and hand of the man she has long expected to marry.
When she refuses to leave her home to follow Zeke’s ambitions, she is brokenhearted and fearful that the world will swallow Zeke, and with it her hopes of a beautiful future with the man she loves.
Will the enthusiasm of Zeke for an exciting life as a travelling writer swallow all that he has known and loved, or will he return to his first love and to his Gott?
The Homeward Bound short story trilogy charts the challenging road that brings two hearts to their Sabbath rest of love for each other, and faith in Gott’s will for their lives together.
Sara Miller is reeling after the return to the Amish community of the man she hoped to marry. But Zeke Breneman is a shell of the person she fell in love with, and harbors a shameful secret that has driven him back to his roots.
In an attempt to let go, Sara accepts a buggy ride from the kind-hearted James Bernhard, but cannot shake Zeke from her heart and her prayers.
When tragedy rallies the whole community as one, will it also bring the hearts of Zeke and Sara together again? Or will the bruises and intrigue of Zeke’s rumspringa exploits keep him bound in doubt and confusion about his future among the Amish.
Zeke Breneman’s love for Sara Miller has brought him home in more ways than one, but poisonous ghosts from his past return, and threaten to destroy the community and peace he has reclaimed.
Foreboding clouds threaten the joy of the newly weds, as his family and friends seek to close the door that Zeke opened in his untamed years of running around.
Will all that Sara has fought for be overturned before their life together even begins? Or does God have some other plan in motion that even Zeke and Sara are unaware of?
Read the thrilling and happy conclusion of the Howard Bound Series today.
“Everyone’s heart is looking for a home. A resting place where life is lived knowing who we are, and why we are here. As you follow this beautiful tale of Sara and Zeke, I know that you will relate to some of the challenges they face along the way. But more than that, you will see how true love, and faith in Gott’s will, can overcome and bring home even the hardest of hearts. The book is written with love, and I trust that this warmth of character, and the beauty of their story, will also touch your heart with a sense of Gott’s light at work in your own life – even when things look dark.” Grace Given, Author