A Hillview Christmas Miracle

A Hillview Christmas Miracle

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About the Book

His thirst to avenge his father’s death leads thirty-year-old Daniel Holt on a journey that has terrible repercussions when he marries his arch-enemy’s daughter. Dan is determined to make the man who betrayed his father pay for the mistakes of twenty- five years ago and knows the most hurtful way to do it.

Margaret Parker can’t believe that the most handsome man she’s ever seen wants to marry her. Against all her elder’s advice, she goes ahead with the marriage, only to find out that her husband isn’t the man he claimed to be.

Can a miracle at Christmas bring reconciliation and restoration to these families? What will it take to let go of the past and embrace a love-filled future?

Climb aboard for a heartwarming Christmas tale that hits all the right notes for the holiday season!

Author: Terri Grace
Genre: Mistletoe Brides
Tag: Romance
Publisher: PureRead
Publication Year: 2023
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A Hillview Christmas Miracle
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